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Newcastle Primary School 17A Shimna Road, Newcastle
Education Authority has directed that all schools in Northern Ireland are required to close on Friday 24th January, due to the anticipated severe weather conditions. Please stay safe.
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School Uniform P1- P7

Girls- grey tights/ white knee socks

Grey skirt or pinafore

Blue school sweat shirt

White polo shirt

White/grey socks or tights

Black shoes

Blue and white checked dress (summer)

School Uniform Supplier

Binghams is the supplier of our school uniform.


Address:  82 Main Street, Newcastle , BT33 0AE




Tel : 02843723521




Nursery Uniform


Blue nursery school sweat shirt

White polo shirt


PE Uniform for P4-7 Pupils


School Uniform P1-7


Grey trousers (long or short)

Blue school sweat shirt

White polo shirt

Grey socks

Black shoes