Access Keys:

Newcastle Primary School 17A Shimna Road, Newcastle


November 2023 January 2024
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
Fri 1
Primary and Nursery Open morning (9.30-11.00am)
Nursery open afternoon (1.00-2.30pm)
Daily Mile Santa Run ( P1-P7 pupils will take part in the Daily Mile at Islands Park. We will leave school at 11.30am and return in time for lunch. The children are to wear their school unifrom as normal and wear festive accessories e.g. Santa hat)
Sat 2

Sun 3
Choir to Christingle Service (St John's Parish Church, 3pm)
Mon 4

Tue 5
Actisport (2-2.45pm and 3-3.45pm)
Wed 6

Thu 7
P6 Swimming
Morning Nursery class visit to the library
P3/4 trip to Palace Stables, Armagh (Leaving 8.45am)
Fri 8
Choir carol singing to Slieve Dhu Nursing Home and River House (1.30/2.15pm)
Sat 9

Sun 10

Mon 11

Tue 12
School Christmas Dinner (Wear your Christmas jumper!)
P5-7 to NC Cinema (9.30am)
Wed 13

Thu 14
P1/2 Nativity (9.30am)
P3/4 Christmas Play (11am)
P6 Swimming
Fri 15
P5-7 Carol Service (Newcastle Presbyterian Church, 2.15pm)
Sat 16

Sun 17

Mon 18

Tue 19
P6 trip to Titanic (Leaving 9.00am and returning for 3.00pm. Packed lunch required.)
Wed 20
PTA Christmas Grotto event (Non uniform day)
Last day of term for both Nursery classes
Thu 21
School closes for Christmas break at 12 noon (Non uniform day, no P4-7 snack, no school dinners and no Nursery classes)
Fri 22

Sat 23

Sun 24

Mon 25

Tue 26

Wed 27

Thu 28

Fri 29

Sat 30

Sun 31