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Newcastle Primary School 17A Shimna Road, Newcastle

Making 'Hash'

5th Jun 2015

As part of our topic, 'Northern Ireland and Europe,' we have made different foods from around Europe.

We chopped the 'left over' boiled potatoes
We chopped the 'left over' boiled potatoes
Sophie Cut the bacon up
Sophie Cut the bacon up
We're pros at this slicing potatoes!
We're pros at this slicing potatoes!
Justin loving cooking the bacon!
Justin loving cooking the bacon!
The bacon cooking smells yummy!
The bacon cooking smells yummy!
Callum made sure the bacon didn't burn
Callum made sure the bacon didn't burn
the potatoes are ready to be fried
the potatoes are ready to be fried
Joel and Matthew made a good team in our P5 kitchen
Joel and Matthew made a good team in our P5 kitchen
Nisa looks like she's done this before!
Nisa looks like she's done this before!
Kevin adds some chopped onion... YUM!
Kevin adds some chopped onion... YUM!
Now to fry the potatoes with the bacon and onion...
Now to fry the potatoes with the bacon and onion...
"Is it nearly ready yet?"