Access Keys:

Newcastle Primary School 17A Shimna Road, Newcastle

Information for this week!

2nd Dec 2019

The are lots of things happening this week!

Thursday is the big day!!  School Christmas dinner, school closes at 2pm for all in the primary and then the PTA Christmas fair at 6.30pm!

Donations are still needed for the Fair - if you have any tombola or bran tub prizes, please leave into school as soon as possible.  Cakes and toys can be left on Wednesday or Thursday morning.  If you are available to help set up on Thursday afternoon or able to help out with a stall on Thursday evening, please leave your name on the PTA parent page on Facebook.  The more people we have to help, the less everyone has to do!!

Children should wear a Christmas jumper, Christmas T-shirt or Christmas hat to the school Christmas dinner!

On Thursday both Nursery classes will be visiting the library; please see arrangements in Nursery for times etc.

After school clubs for  P 4-7 are now finished except for music which will be on Tuesday 3rd December from 3-3.45 pm.  Fun Club for P 1-3 will continue as normal from 2-3 pm each day.