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Northern Ireland Anti-Bullying Forum (NIABF) workshops in school!
A huge thank you to Lee from NIABF for coming out to speak to all the children in their classes from P1-P7.
P1 and P2 were introduced to ‘Jaclyn.’ They discussed how to make her feel welcome and safe in our school, then also what they’d do if she wasn’t happy.
Children in P3-6 explored ways in which we are the same and ways in which we are different. They also discussed behaviours that hurt others. As an activity the children designed superheroes to help prevent bullying in our school.
P7 also discussed how we can treat each other as we’d like to be treated, but also delved into how to stay safe online. They discussed what to do if they think cyber bullying is happening to themselves or a friend.
Some of the older children were asked to complete a questionnaire about the workshop. They all responded very positively to the workshop.
Please chat to your child about the anti-bullying messages that they heard today. Together we want to make NPS a safe and happy place for everyone to come and learn!
Newcastle Primary School
17A Shimna Road, Newcastle
Co.Down BT33 0AS
(028) 43 722559