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Newcastle Primary School 17A Shimna Road, Newcastle

Parent Teacher Interviews

9th Oct 2023
Parent/teacher meetings will take place on Monday 23rd October to Thursday 26th October for P1-7 pupils. Meetings will take place from 1.30pm to 4pm each day. There will be no P2 meetings on Tuesday or P1 meetings on Wednesday.

The Primary school will close at 1.15pm each day and the meetings will take place in the school hall for P2-7. P1 meetings will take place in the P1 Play room which you can enter and exit via the P1 gate. (Please note school also closes at 1.15pm on Friday 27th October for half term.)

A Google Form has been shared to each class dojo page. If you have children in different classes please complete the separate forms. The form should be completed by Wednesday 11th October indicating your preferred day/days. You will be allocated a time by the class teacher which will be sent home on Monday 16th October.

There will be one meeting per pupil; only in extreme circumstances will the staff offer a second meeting for a second parent.

Please remember that this is a short 10-minute chat and that many other parents will be waiting. If you feel that this allocated time is not enough then please make a further appointment with the teacher at a mutually convenient time.

It is the responsibility of all parents to arrange supervision for your child/children whilst you are at the interview.

Alternatively, if you are unable to attend, you may request a telephone call.

Thank you!